Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tool #2

I think that building an online education system will allow us as teachers to share our experiences, and ideas . A PLN is a great opportunity to stay connected with our colleagues, and learn new concepts from each other. It is a win-win situation and everyone benefits from the different skills, and learning activities we have to share with others in a PLN.

What stood out to me about the commenting advice was that “ You become part of the life of the blogger you are reading”. I think this is very true . I think that once you start to track a blogger, whether it is a friend or colleague, you do become more in tune of what is happening in their lives, and vice versa. One becomes more aware of what they are posting and what words to use to attract their audience attention. I reflect and think about certain bloggers and why they may become addicts at blogging, and I think it is because they know people are listening by the number of comments posted on their site.

I commented on the following bloggers page: Armando Arias, Priscilla Garza, Lynn Hartgrove, Matilde Ortiz, and Karla Urtiz.

Tool #1

The process to begin this blog has been good so far. I think posting "journal entries" or other "writing samples" could be a way for students to use this form of technology. I think it would be a good way for students to share their ideas, and a form to hold them accountable for their assignments.

Caroline Ortiz

Happy to be at SOE

I am so excited about returning back to teaching.  Believe it or not all of this professional development is actually very exciting to me, especially since I have been away from the field for a few years. I love to learn new things.  I am super excited about all of this technology that we will have access to in order to integrate into the curriculum.  It is exciting for me and I imagine it will be even more exciting for the students.  I am happy to be here and can't wait for the new year to start!

Caroline Ortiz